Friday, August 11, 2006

What defines us?

Somebody probably already said it, "The battles we choose to fight is what defines us". I see it to be true more and more everyday.
  • People around us break the rules all the time and get away with it. When we do find out about it, whether we choose to side with the person (and support her) or the principle (and confront her) is what defines us.
  • People will betray you in their own pursuits of life. When we do find out about it, whether we choose to be tragic (and forgive them) or sinful (and seek vengeance) is what defines us.
  • Life will throw a curve ball at you from time to time. When we are in that situation, whether we choose to be patient (and accept it) or respond (and take a shot) is what defines us.
  • Life will tempt you from time to time. When we are faced with it, whether we choose to resist (and wonder about it) or give in (and regret it) is what defines us.
As with most battles, there usually is no right or wrong. But whether we fight to be fair (and be prepared to lose) or to survive (and be prepared to cheat) is what defines us.

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