Thursday, September 28, 2006


The Lonelygirl That Really Wasn’t: "After months of intrigue, the identities of Web video star lonelygirl15 and her producers have been revealed."

Times have changed.

In yet another 'Blair Witch Project' strategy, a YouTube user called loneygirl15 started posting what seemed to be personal video diary postings. She gathered thousands of fans and millions of hits.

Gone are the days when users were gullible enough to believe every word they read (or video they see) on the Internet. When they started suspecting this beautiful yet geeky girl was too good to be true, they dug around, traced the IP address of the source email address and found out that it was all an elaborate marketing stunt of some LA filmmakers. She was revealed to be an actress hired to break the hearts of geeks, all in the name of marketing an upcoming movie.

Another elaborate prank dismantled. Phew!

Monday, September 18, 2006


Open Season, Feist (2006)

Open Season is the remix album of the 2004 release Let It Die. I haven't heard the previous one, but this is one of the lighter alternative rock. Perhaps a little too mellow to be exciting, but does make for relaxing music. :)

Inside + Out was the only song that I turned the volume up to take notice on this album. The rest were background music.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Black Holes and Revelations, Muse (2006)

The British Rock band Muse released their fourth album. Usually a lot of sound effects and remixes are a sign of telltale over-hyped singer / band. But this time it works for them. Their fast, snappy music has been compared to Radiohead gloom by Rollingstone. Although mostly original, I did find a certain similarity in a few of their songs. Knights of Cydonia sounds vaguely familiar. Have I heard it on the radio recently? Whatever be the case, I like that song best on this album.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dirty Pretty Things

Waterloo To Anywhere, Dirty Pretty Things (2006)

Good bands break up and form new ones all the time. The Libertines, despite being regarded as one of Britain's best new bands, broke up due to differences between the band's founders Carl Barât and Pete Doherty. Doherty's drug abuse was mainly to blame for Barât to kick him out of the band. After the band dismantled they went to form their own bands. Pete Doherty has Babyshambles and Pete Doherty formed his new band Dirty Pretty Things.

Although paling in comparision with Libertines, Dirty Pretty Things debut album Waterloo To Anywhere is doing pretty good. Most people agree that they are doing better than Babyshambles. Their songs are fast, upbeat and become 'nodding' pretty fast. Bang Bang You're Dead is a notable number that I liked from this album.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006