The Lonelygirl That Really Wasnt: "After months of intrigue, the identities of Web video star lonelygirl15 and her producers have been revealed."
Times have changed.
In yet another 'Blair Witch Project' strategy, a YouTube user called loneygirl15 started posting what seemed to be personal video diary postings. She gathered thousands of fans and millions of hits.
Gone are the days when users were gullible enough to believe every word they read (or video they see) on the Internet. When they started suspecting this beautiful yet geeky girl was too good to be true, they dug around, traced the IP address of the source email address and found out that it was all an elaborate marketing stunt of some LA filmmakers. She was revealed to be an actress hired to break the hearts of geeks, all in the name of marketing an upcoming movie.
Another elaborate prank dismantled. Phew!