Monday, December 19, 2005

CommonCensus Map

Here's an interesting map of the U.S. drawn from votes of people who feel close/influenced by a major city nearby. May be some of the politicians could look at this before they argue about redistricting.

CommonCensus Map Project


Found this blog about Atlanta's or rather ITP.

What's The Frequency, Kenneth?

I always liked R.E.M.'s song "What's the Frequency, Kenneth", but didn't know there to be an interesting story behind it. Apparently, CBS News anchor Dan Rather was mugged in October 1986, and the assailant asks him this question. Rather had no idea what it meant. Moved by the incident, R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe was inspired to write the song.


Animated Knots

How many different knots do you know? I had no idea there were any other kind than the ones I use to tie my shoe laces. I mean I know they use knots for boating and climbing, but I've never actually done either. But apparently there are loads of different kinds:

Animated Knots by Grog